This one was originally going to have Hank fucking Sheila, but I drew her first and really ended up liking how she looked (particularly her breasts and hair) so I decided that she would just be watching so that I could show her full body, rather than block her with Hank.
And, as an added bonus... The uncoloured version (with MS Paint filling in the lines for visibility).
You might notice a couple differences here. First, Diana is missing her arm bracelet and boots. Eric and Diana are missing a foot. These I forgot at first and added after I had scanned the sketch version. Diana and Sheila are also missing some important parts of their anatomy (nipples, vag). That's because I tend to add these things last in crayon since I don't find they need lines to be defined before I colour. Anyways, there's your look behind the process.
On a side note, I've decided that I need to get a bigger box of crayons that contains more than one shade of brown. Between the tree, the stump, Hank's leather, his belt, Diana, Diana's nipples, and Sheila's and Diana's boots, it kind of all runs together. Though for the observant, the stump and Hank's leather is coloured in orange-red, with a brown outline, but it would've been nice to have a yellowy-brown I could've used. Ah well.