Monday, June 15, 2009

You know the tights turn you on...

I have a drinking game I play at comic conventions. You tally up the number of times you see Rainbow Brite over the course of the day (includes costumes, posters, artist booths, etc...) and at the end of the night you have that many drinks. Bizzare ritual or chronic alcoholism? You decide!

At any rate... Those are some sexy tights. Originally I was going to do Rainbow Brite/Strawberry Shortcake, but I got halfway through and decided to leave it as is.

Here, have some bonus stuff:

Pencil sketch. Clearly, my scanner needs to be cleaned.

Lines filled in in MS paint because the pencil sketch is just about impossible to see.

My attempt at colouring the photo in Photoshop. I think it looks good; the colours are more vibrant; but it loses some of the esoteric charm of the crayons. I might do more of these later, but my trial version of PS is about to expire, so I also might not.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dr. Claw is a pimp

It's okay, 'cuz if she was 12 in 1983, then she's definitely legal today.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Visit me on Facebook

For anyone who's interested, I've set up a fan group on Facebook, if you're not registered here or don't like the connotations of the "follower" thing on Blogspot. You can join it here. Please join.

The group is, however, temporary, until I can get Facebook to allow me to to create a fan page for the site (their auto filter blocks out the name "Erotic Crayons" and so I need to wait for them to get around to making it manually). Then I can send out updates as for when there's a new post (a feature sorely lacking on Blogspot). Currently I can only send out messages to all members, which I hesitate to do because you can't opt out of recieving them and I don't want to end up spamming people. Ah well.

Birds of Prey

The Birds of Prey girls, Oracle (actually, Batgirl), Black Canary and Huntress.

So I bought these Crayola crayons that're called twistables which supposedly prevent you from having to sharpen them. But... they kinda suck, because they're fairly blunt to begin with. All they really accomplish is not tearing the label when you try to sharpen them. Ironically, though, I discovered that thick crayons are better for outlines than thin ones because they sharpen to a point better. The irony is that I bought them because I figured they'd be easier to fill in lines, which it turns out it's better to use the thin ones for. Go figure. Like you care, though. You're just here for the naked crayon chicks. Happy to oblige.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hulk & She-Hulk (Ultimate versions, you perv :P)

(Ultimate) Hulk and She-Hulk. This ought to clear up a bit of the confusion Wolverine was suffering from in Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #5. Also, pandas are cuddly.