Monday, August 10, 2009

Josie and the Pussycats and Pussies

Josie and the Pussycats. It should be so easy to come up with a pussy joke here, and yet I can't come up with one. Damnit.

And here's the sketch version, 'cuz I wanted to save it in case the colouring didn't work out.

Go, Speed Racer, Go!

Here he comes
Her comes Speed Racer
He's a demon on wheels
He's a demon and he's gonna be chasin' after someone.

He's gainin' on you so you better look alive.
He's busy revvin' up a powerful Mach 5.

And when the odds are against him
And there's dangerous work to do
You bet your life Speed Racer
Will see it through.

Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer, Go!

He's off and flyin' as he guns the car around the track
He's jammin' down the pedal like he's never comin' back
Adventure's waitin' just ahead.

Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer
Go Speed Racer, Go!


Thanks to Aliesha for the idea to get me back started.

Monday, June 15, 2009

You know the tights turn you on...

I have a drinking game I play at comic conventions. You tally up the number of times you see Rainbow Brite over the course of the day (includes costumes, posters, artist booths, etc...) and at the end of the night you have that many drinks. Bizzare ritual or chronic alcoholism? You decide!

At any rate... Those are some sexy tights. Originally I was going to do Rainbow Brite/Strawberry Shortcake, but I got halfway through and decided to leave it as is.

Here, have some bonus stuff:

Pencil sketch. Clearly, my scanner needs to be cleaned.

Lines filled in in MS paint because the pencil sketch is just about impossible to see.

My attempt at colouring the photo in Photoshop. I think it looks good; the colours are more vibrant; but it loses some of the esoteric charm of the crayons. I might do more of these later, but my trial version of PS is about to expire, so I also might not.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dr. Claw is a pimp

It's okay, 'cuz if she was 12 in 1983, then she's definitely legal today.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Visit me on Facebook

For anyone who's interested, I've set up a fan group on Facebook, if you're not registered here or don't like the connotations of the "follower" thing on Blogspot. You can join it here. Please join.

The group is, however, temporary, until I can get Facebook to allow me to to create a fan page for the site (their auto filter blocks out the name "Erotic Crayons" and so I need to wait for them to get around to making it manually). Then I can send out updates as for when there's a new post (a feature sorely lacking on Blogspot). Currently I can only send out messages to all members, which I hesitate to do because you can't opt out of recieving them and I don't want to end up spamming people. Ah well.

Birds of Prey

The Birds of Prey girls, Oracle (actually, Batgirl), Black Canary and Huntress.

So I bought these Crayola crayons that're called twistables which supposedly prevent you from having to sharpen them. But... they kinda suck, because they're fairly blunt to begin with. All they really accomplish is not tearing the label when you try to sharpen them. Ironically, though, I discovered that thick crayons are better for outlines than thin ones because they sharpen to a point better. The irony is that I bought them because I figured they'd be easier to fill in lines, which it turns out it's better to use the thin ones for. Go figure. Like you care, though. You're just here for the naked crayon chicks. Happy to oblige.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hulk & She-Hulk (Ultimate versions, you perv :P)

(Ultimate) Hulk and She-Hulk. This ought to clear up a bit of the confusion Wolverine was suffering from in Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #5. Also, pandas are cuddly.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fuck you, Batman!

Because, yeah... Why not?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ooh, I'll toss your salad!

A clip from the old school cartoon Captain N: The Game Master that I came accross while watching the DVD of it. Fortunately it was on youtube so I can share it with all of you. Personally, I'm still laughing about it.

Massive nerd points if you get the reference

This one was originally going to have Hank fucking Sheila, but I drew her first and really ended up liking how she looked (particularly her breasts and hair) so I decided that she would just be watching so that I could show her full body, rather than block her with Hank.

And, as an added bonus... The uncoloured version (with MS Paint filling in the lines for visibility).

You might notice a couple differences here. First, Diana is missing her arm bracelet and boots. Eric and Diana are missing a foot. These I forgot at first and added after I had scanned the sketch version. Diana and Sheila are also missing some important parts of their anatomy (nipples, vag). That's because I tend to add these things last in crayon since I don't find they need lines to be defined before I colour. Anyways, there's your look behind the process.

On a side note, I've decided that I need to get a bigger box of crayons that contains more than one shade of brown. Between the tree, the stump, Hank's leather, his belt, Diana, Diana's nipples, and Sheila's and Diana's boots, it kind of all runs together. Though for the observant, the stump and Hank's leather is coloured in orange-red, with a brown outline, but it would've been nice to have a yellowy-brown I could've used. Ah well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Submission (Updated)

For those not aware, a while back the webcomic xkcd posted a comic about creating a porn site for people playing guitar in the shower. Very shortly afterwards, the author, Randall Munroe created this site where people could submit their pictures. A few months later, the submissions started to be posted. This is my submission for Wet Riffs. Wish me luck! :D

UPDATE: Apparantly Wet Riffs either no longer accepts submissions or is having some server errors as I'm not able to submit my picture. Will try again later.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Uhura & Spock (mild spoilers... sort of)

And J.J. Abrams said "Let there be fanfic." And so it came to be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Silk Spectre II & Dr. Manhattan x3

What would Watchmen have been like if Laurie hadn't freaked out at John over this... We may never know.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. PacMan

PacPorn, my contribution to rule 34 of the Internet. Yeah, those are power pellets. Deal with it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mario Bros. and the Princess

Peach finally decides that the Maro Brothers deserve a reward for rescuing her five BILLION fucking times.

Samus Aran & Iron Man

Samus Aran and Tony Stark get busy... Awww yeah...

Ben, Sue and Reed

Mr. Fanstastic unexpectedly walks in on the Thing and the Invisible Woman, without realizing it. (See, it's funny 'cuz she's invisible...)

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy

Spider-Man's fantasy: Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy in a three-way. 'Cuz that's how Spidey rolls.

Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn

This was my first attempt at an erotic version of my art. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn enjoying some sapphic delights. As a first attempt, it contains a few quirks that I sorted out in later work, but ultimately was good enough to encourage me to do more.


Some backgroud.

About a year ago, I decided to try and indulge my artistic side by taking up drawing. As I quickly discovered, I fail at realism. So instead I took up a new approach, focusing on more of a childish style, using superheroes and video game characters for subjects. I worked on developing this style to something that looks like it was drawn by a four-year-old, but still looks (in my opinion) pretty decent.

This went on for a little bit until I got bored with it. More recently, however, I've taken it back up again, this time with a twist. Bored with simply drawing assorted superheroes, I decided I needed them to be doing something. What sort of something, you might ask? In a word: eachother. The result was what I like to call erotic superhero crayon art. It's something of a combination of Mini Marvels/Tiny Titans meets Lost Girls as drawn by a four-year old. Hopefully you enjoy it.

So without further ado, I present... Erotic Crayons.